Month: February 2022

RDS Instance Types Explained & How to Choose and Size Yours

Introduction Cloud computing provides us with the ability to deploy infrastructure as code. Not so long ago, to deploy a new database server you had to buy physical hardware: a hard disk, CPU, RAM, power supply, etc. Afterward, you had to install the database server, make it run once the machine starts, provision replicas, set up a backup policy and allocate space for it, handle errors, and routinely update it with security patches and new versions. Wow, it took a while even to write what’s required if you manage databases yourself. Just …

Spring CSRF Protection Guide: Examples and How to Enable

A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is one a common malicious attacks because it requires little technical expertise. The combination of the ease of execution, low barriers for executing it, and the prevalence of targets requires active measures against it. Let’s start with a few definitions. Cross-Site Request Forgery As explained in OWASP, a CSRF, also known as a one-click attack or session riding, is a popular attack vector on a website or SaaS application. It’s a type of malicious exploitation of a website where unauthorized commands are submitted from a user that the web …